
Do You Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery? – Skyline Newspaper

Weight loss surgery has demonstrated to be very efficient for making people healthier and prolonging their lives. The estimates suggest that it can boost the life expectancy of a person by seven years. It is worth noting that there is a higher risk of complications for those who smoke. This is why it is advised that patients quit smoking before getting surgery.

In general, those who can benefit from this procedure are those between the age of 18 to 60. Any patient over the age of 50 is going to need a cardiac clearance to be eligible for bariatric surgery. In order to qualify for weight loss surgery, generally people are going to need to have at least a BMI over 40. They must not have been successfully losing weight by themselves or having a BMI higher than 35 and has a unrelated condition that is authorized. Generally, the person needs undergo a medical exam to confirm whether they’re safe to undergo anesthesia prior to the surgery. ucjkb9a3iu.


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