Family and Home

Tips for Caregivers of Aging Adults and The Elderly

Thanks to the size of the baby boomer generation, we have a rapidly aging population.  Every day tens of thousands of people turn 65 years old. As this generation ages there is an increased need for home health aides to help make sure they get to age in place.  It stands to reason that the generation that grew up with Woodstock and Vietnam is not interested in living in a retirement community, if at all possible.  So with this aging population there is an increased need for qualified caregivers.

We were looking into this topic when we came across a great article online.  This blog gives helpful and actionable tips for those who are caregivers for seniors. If you have an aging loved one, are a caregiver yourself, or are just interested in the topic, we suggest giving it a read. Hopefully you will also find value in its content.

For more information and to read the article mentioned about, please follow this link:


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